Srimati Kavitha Naiketty is a tribal farmer conserver from Noolpuzha panchayath in Wayanad district. Her field is an eminent example for season based land management. Many diverse varieties of plant have been conserved in her field such as paddy, tubers, cereals and spices.
Traditional ways have been followed for whole agriculture practices as land preparation, irrigation, pre and post harvesting methods. She preserves seed through frequent smoking technique. It is a traditional method of seed preservation. Thus she stores seeds for all the seasons.
The main crop of her interest is paddy. She maintains 5 varieties for cultivation as Basmati, Ayiramkana, Athira, Uma and Velliyan. In addition to that she cultivates diverse type of vegetables, fruits and fodder.
Rice cultivation for conservation and for financial sustainability
She cultivates traditional varities of turmeric and ginger. She conserves a few medicinal plants with a thorough knowledge on its medicinal values.
She maintains 5 different varieties of cows as livestock for livelihood. Cow dung slurry obtained from her farm has applied directly in the field. It enriches the soil texture thus enhance the growth of the plant in a healthy manner.
Conservation is a part of her belief and culture along with an understanding of its significance is her specialism.