NewsLetter 1

MSSBG News Letter MAY 2020

Solutions are in Nature

Dear readers,

Today is observed as the International Day for Biodiversity around the theme: “Solutions are in Nature”. We at the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation have chosen this day to reach out and engage with people like you on a significant scale for finding Solutions from Nature and to continue the efforts in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

The forwarded Newsletter highlights some of the key interventions and successes of the Botanical Garden Initiative of MSSRF. This Garden being established in partnership with local tribal community families and small holder farmers of the Western Ghats-a global biodiversity hotspot.

Please consider becoming a member in this Conservation Campaign and making a tax deductible- donation to continue the Botanical Garden’s work more productive and meaningful. We are also asking your help in reaching out your friends, colleagues and co-workers. We will be happy to correspond with you for completing the process of partnering with this conservation initiative.

Please write to us or Call ( 4477/ 20 7019)

Anil Kumar

An Appeal for Conservation

When humanity is going through an unprecedented crisis, providing food and health for all become the most challenging task for all nations. Despite the huge strides in food production, there are some 820 million people

Rising role of Botanical Garden

This Newsletter is being brought out on the International Day for Biodiversity: this year’s Call to Action for the International Day for Biodiversity has been made around the slogan “Solutions are in Nature”

Community Botanical/ Herbal Gardens for assisting nature

This inaugural issue of the MSSBG Newsletter brings out 10 stories/news under four thematic areas -i) Science & Traditional Knowledge; (ii) Conservation of Biodiversity; (iii) Health and Food; and (iv) People and Culture