Litchi chinensis, Sonn

Systematic Classification:

Division   : Angiospermae 
Class      : Dicotyledons
Family     : Sapindaceae
Genus      : Litchi
Species    : chinensis

Common Name:

Lychee , Chinese litchi, Chinese leeschee

General Information:

Litchi chinensis, commonly known as lychee, is an evergreen monoecious tree with a dense rounded crown that is native to southern China. It is noted for producing an excellent tasting globose to ovoid red fruit. Cultivation of this fruit tree (particularly cultivars thereof) now occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world including southern Florida, California and Hawaii. It will grow to 110′ tall in its native habitat, but usually grows slowly in cultivation to only 20-30′ tall over the first 25-30 years. Pinnate compound glossy lime green leaves, each with 4-8 pointed lanceolate leaflets in pairs, are evergreen. Yellow flowers in long terminal and axillary panicles (separate male and female flowers in each panicle) bloom in spring.

Flowers are followed by globose to ovoid fruits which turn red when ripe with inner white translucent flesh. Fruits typically mature June -July (sometimes to September). Fruit is eaten fresh when in season, made into preserves, dried (lychee nut), pickled, or frozen with little loss of flavor. Lychee was introduced from China to Hawaii in 1850s. In Hawaii, the tree is grown both commercially for fruit production and as a landscape tree for both shade and fruit harvest.

Economic Importance:

  • Commercially grown for fruit production. Excellent landscape tree which provides shade, fruit and botanical interest to front or back yards.
  • The fruit, its peel and the seed are used in traditional medicine; decoctions of the root, bark and flowers are used as a gargle to alleviate throat ailments.
  • The fruit peel is used in the treatment of diarrhoea.Seeds are used as an anodyne in neuralgic disorders and orchitis.