Ex-situ conservation

Conservation of biological diversity, genetic resources, wild and cultivated species are of high necessity. Field gene -seed -bank, community gene bank, seeds and seedling conservation are of high requisite to rescue and reinforce the threatened germplasm. MSSBG and research centre plays an important role to manage conservation with efficient scientific standards and to enhance education and research for the sustainability and development.

A unique feature of MSSBG is a combined approach of ex-situ live gardens and on farm conservation of biodiversity,  suitable for a particular agro-climatic zone perpetuated by generations of farmers who have understood the agro ecological conditions and their needs. A range of products and services will be delivered through an integrated action plan of MSSBG allied to ex-situ conservation of keystone plant species with sufficient genetic variability. The programme area of the garden on biodiversity conservation will focus on plant diversity as well.

This integrated ex-situ/in-situ approach will lead to the effective conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic wealth. The programme of MSSBG has structured with ex-situ conservation as a significant component.