Julostylis polyandra N. Ravi & N. Anil Kumar

Systematic Classification:

Division	: Angiospermae
Class		: Dicotyledons
Family		: Malvaceae			
Genus		: Julostylis
Species	        : polyandra

Common Name:


General Information:

Small trees, up to 12 m tall.Branchlets terete, rusty stellate tomentose when young.Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules caducous; petiole 1-8 cm long, terete, stellately tomentose; lamina 4-21 x 2-18 cm, suborbicular to ovate with obtuse apex or palmately shallowly 3-lobed, base rounded or cuneate, margin crenulate, sparsely stellately tomentose on both sides, reddish when young; palmately 5-nerved at base; midrib raised above; tertiary nerves distantly horizontally percurrent.Inflorescence panicle, many flowered; flowers yellow, pedicel up to 1.5 cm long; epicalyx accrescentFruit and SeedSchizocarp, indehiscent ca. 0.5 cm long, shortly beaked, densely covered with stellate and simple hairs; seeds 4, reniform.

Economic Importance:

  • Not evaluated.