Elaeagnus conferta

Systematic Classification:

Division   : Angiospermae
Class      : Eudicots
Order      : Rosales
Family     : Elaeagnaceae
Genus      : Elaeagnus
Species    : conferta

Common Name:

MalayalamPalga, Kattumunnthiringa

General Information:

Elaeagnus conferta is a straggling, evergreen shrub, often climbing into other plants and growing up to 12 metres tall. Leaves to 14 x 7.5 cm, ovate, acute, glabrous above, silvery-white below; nerves 5-7 pairs, indistinct. Flowers bisexual, 3-6 in axillary fascicles, pedicelled; perianth greenish white, 1 cm long, urceolate, gamotepalous, lobes 4, ovate; stamens 4, filaments free, broadened below; anthers transverse; ovary 1-celled; inferior; ovules solitary; style filiform, stigma lateral. Fruit a nut covered with thickened perianth base, 2.6 x 1.2 cm, reddish, fleshy.

Economic Importance:

  • The fruit pulp, roots, and leaves are used medicinally.
  • The fruits and flowers are used to treat sores and ulcers.