Hopea parviflora Bedd

Systematic Classification:

Division   : Angiospermae 
Class      : Dicotyledons
Family     : Dipterocarpaceae
Genus      : Hopea
Species    : parviflora

Common Name:

Irumbagam, Kambagam, Malabar Iron wood

General Information:

Trees up to 35 m tall.Bark brown, scaly.Branchlets terete, pubescent when young.Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules caducous; petiole to 0.6 cm long, slightly canaliculate above, pubescent when young; lamina 4.5-10 x 1.5-3.5 cm, lanceolate or narrow ovate, apex narrow acute to gradually acuminate, base rounded to subcordate, margin entire, chartaceous, glabrous except few scattered hairs at margin and on midrib beneath; domatia at the axils of secondary nerves, but not on all the leaves; midrib raised above; secondary nerves 5-12 pairs, raised above, lowest pair opposite and closer to the next secondary nerve; tertiary nerves closely horizontally percurrent.Inflorescence panicles, tomentose; flowers white.Fruit and Seed Nut with accrescent calyx lobes; seeds 1.

Economic Importance:

  • High quality timber used for making railway sleepers in old days, building purposes.